Don’t think our walking tours will be all “talk” while you’re in town. A choice of walking or riding tours (with a step-on guide) will show off Piqua’s nationally recognized, historic, residential architecture.

Visitors can also elect to participate in one of several hands-on activities, from decorating cookies at the hometown bakery to taking a begging yoga class at the dance studio, touring the regionally celebrated Winans Chocolate factory, completing a craft project, shopping the charming downtown, or climbing aboard an authentic, mule-pulled canal boat for a ride back in time down a portion of the famous Miami-Erie Canal.

Whether it’s a visit to the Indian Museum at the early-19th-cdentury Col. John Johnston Farm or enjoying a scrumptious meal in the elegant ballroom of Fort Piqua Plaza, housed in a beautifully restored hotel on the town square, a stop-over in Piqua will delight all the senses.


About Our Tour Packages

We customize all tours to meet the needs of our tour hosts

We can arrange a dinner upon evening of arrival

The following day, we have options including a full day, half day, or just a few hours

Pricing depends upon the tour inclusion beginning at $15

Call for a customized tour price. There is no charge for this service


Check Out Our Tour Options